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1. Have you noticed the goods are not in conformity with the contract? Tell us about it! There are 3 ways to do this: - email us at:

- call us: 888 666 777

- fill out: the complaint of goods for purchases until 31.12.2022 or the complaint of goods for purchases after 1.01.20223 and send it to us via email or together with the defective product(s).


2. Securely pack the defective item(s) and send them along with the form to: AMOCARAT Sp. z o.o. 1 Krolewska Street 43-354 Czaniec, Poland With a note saying “CONSUMER COMPLAINT + order number”

- You can send us a consumer complaint within 2 years from the date of purchase.

- Send the package at your cost and save the payment confirmation. If we accept your complaint, we will refund you the shipping costs.

- We don’t pick up packages sent at our cost or to a Parcel Locker!


3. Learn about the complaint policy:

- Warranty does not cover damages that have arisen as a result of, for example, improper use of the product, including non-compliance with the instructions provided on the wash label.

- Remember that the products sent as part of a complaint must adhere to the basic hygienic requirements! Send us the products clean, without any dirt or odors. Claims regarding items that don’t meet these requirements may not be considered.


4. Consideration of complaints.

- Complaints are considered within 14 days from the date of receipt of the defective product(s).

- We will send you information about our decision to the email address provided by you in the complaint form.

- Complaint rejection: if the complaint is not approved, you will receive a message with the reason for our decision. We won’t reimburse you for the shipping costs of the defective product and we will ship the package back to you at your cost.

- Complaint approval: if the exchange or repair of the product(s) proves possible, we will notify you of it and provide you all information regarding further procedure. In the case of a refund, you will receive a transfer to the bank account provided in the complaint form.

- Products purchased with a gift card cannot be exchanged for cash. If we have approved a complaint of such a product and a decision has been made to issue a refund, you will receive a new voucher equivalent to the value of the defective product(s).
