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Sensual Massage Room

Sensual Massage Room

Did you know that stress is the cause of many diseases? But don’t worry! We’ll tell you how to get rid of it. So what’s the best solution? Relaxing massage in Obsessive style! If you don’t know how to prepare your private massage room, check out our recipe...

You think that relaxation after the whole workweek is about doing… nothing? Forget it! From now on, the idea of anti-stress evening will bring two thoughts to your mind: sensual massage room and Obsessive activity! Learn how to combine pleasure with even more pleasure together with your beloved! Let’s start!

Special invitation

Surprise is your best friend – forever! Before you go to work, give your beloved an envelope with a note on it: Open at work! I bet he’ll open it before he even gets there. ? And what’s inside? A sexy invitation to your Sensual Massage Room…


During the day, send him a reminder message: “Busy day? Tonight’s gonna be very relaxing… Remember about your visit at Sensual Massage Room!”. He’ll be thinking about the night for the whole day.

Prepare the atmosphere

Dim light, flickering candles (don’t limit yourself – in this case, more means better), blanket on the bed and essential oils. And for the maximum of relaxation – your favorite, pleasant music. A towel may come in handy when your “client” gets undressed and a pillow will make for full comfort during the massage.

Formal outfit

The place looks perfect and… so do you! A sexy lingerie set on your body will make a great impression on him, so don’t hesitate – choose your sensual lingerie here. And we guess that we don’t need to convince you of one thing – your seductive set will go fantastically with stockings < link and an elegant peignoir <<< link ! Just get ready to feel amazing!

Time to get the show started

Since he got that special invitation, your beloved will come back home sooner than you expect. Traffic jams, important projects, overtime work – they won’t stop him! And his guy friends? Today there’re no guy friends…

He’s back? Take care of him. You’re 100% professional! Take him straight to the bedroom and give him the towel. What now? Tell him to get undressed and lie down on the massage bed.

Massage time

From head to foot or the other way round? Set the starting point yourself! Everything’s in your hands now. Hands? Maybe… you want to use other body parts to perform the massage? It’s up to you. All techniques allowed!

Easy, right? Go ahead!

