How to seduce your husband?

Do you remember this amazing time when you were seducing and tempting your man? Do you remember all your tricks? You wanted to show him that you were interested in having something in common with him… Now imagine that he felt exactly the same. He was sooo into you but couldn’t tell you that. It was amazing, wasn’t it?
Wake up! Now everything has changed. You’re together and you seem to be quite happy but… there’s no more seducing and conquering in your relationship. No more flirting, no more tempting and mysterious hare and hounds! Is it like that? If your answer is YES, then you definitely should read this. It looks like we’ve got perfect tips for you.
Check out how you can seduce your man again and show him that even though both of you have changed… your chemistry is still alive. All you have to do is… start it all over again.
Dreams come FUN!
Every man has his own fantasies and every woman has it too! Let your man fulfill some of them and have plenty of fun. Do you need an inspiration? We’ve got it for you. Prepare sexy, red dress, naughty, black stockings and enormously high heels. And since we know that details are important don’t forget about: red lipstick and smoky eyes – sexy look will be a real ace up your sleeve! What then? Head straight for his office… Just like that? Yeah, no reason needed. You can just enter his office in the middle of the day and make all his male friends so jealous!
Still not enough? We’ve got a special hint. Use our “falling pencil” method and drive him crazy! Wanna know how it works? It’s simple – while being at his office, drop a pencil (by accident of course). Pick it up from the floor but… show him that you’re wearing this extremely sexy lingerie.
Researchers say that it always works. Nobody knows why but… who cares? If it works – just do it!
Note that while visiting his office you can concentrate only on him. Thanks to this he’ll feel enormously good about it!
Secret admirer…
That’s kinda risky but very effective idea. All you need is a… no worries. You don’t need a real secret admirer. You’ve got to pretend that you have one. Remember that whenever you suggest your husband that somebody is trying to attract your attention… you should show him that you’re not interested in getting involved in any weird situation. Thanks to this he’ll know that he can trust you. Moreover, he’ll start thinking about conquering your heart again! Tiny bit of adrenaline can be very motivating…
Doesn’t it sound great? Of course it does. Just remember that you can use this trick only once and that it cannot last long. Because too much is bad. Always!
Memories are the best. Remind yourself the very beginning of your relationship. This moment when the two of you barely knew each other but you were desperate to spend some time together. Do you remember your first date? Favourite restaurant? Favored walk route? Of course you do! Invite your man to refresh your memories. Make them alive again. Add some tiny details which will spice up the atmosphere. Perfume or dress similar that you wore during your first date will work perfectly.
Note that during this sentimental trip you not allowed talk about day to day stuff. No bills, no kids, no problems. Just the two of you and… plenty of mysterious flirting!
Keep on repeating
You’ve got to know that about seducing your husband you could write dozens of books. There are many ways to seduce your beloved and no one knows this perfect and 100% effective method. Everybody needs something else.
But remember about one rule. This guy looks at you and he sees everything. No matter whether you’re wearing high heels or sneakers he looks at you and knows how much sex appeal you’ve got.
You don’t have to look and act like a sex bomb (unless you want it) but you definitely should feel, walk and behave as if you were one. Especially when you’ve planned an evening together.
Lingerie (remember that Obsessive is the best), make up, hairstyle and your mood.
Everything matters and the better you feel the prouder your man is!
So? Now you know how to seduce your husband. Just please, don’t stop yourself and keep on thinking about new, exciting ideas. Good food, weekend at SPA, favourite club or just a simple walk. Whatever you do remember that the most important is being together. Because that’s what the relationship is about!