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Evening ideas for couples – sexy snowflake

Evening ideas for couples – sexy snowflake

Every evening can be a really nice time if you… have your loved one by your side! And if you follow our Obsessive idea, the upcoming evenings will be sooo exciting for the two of you! Ready? Check it out!

Xmas magic

The most special time of the year is about to begin. Xmas and… New Year’s Eve! In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it’s easy to forget what’s most important. That’s a perfect time for you to have fantastic evenings together with him! Our Obsessive motto? Together is better! So think about it when all the preparations are over and… test our sexy idea!

How to heat up the evening atmosphere? Yes, a warm blanket may be a good and effective solution. But you can try something more exciting and… probably even more effective! Get ready for the best warm-up of your life!

Sexy snowflake or the Snow Queen?

Who will you be tonight? Whatever you choose, our fabulous white lingerie will give you a really stunning look! And if you want to surprise your lover more than once… get Swangel costume! Snow-white teddy and adorable skirt will win his heart! You can use this costume in many different ways which means… plenty of hot evenings!

It’s getting hot…

If you don’t think that white lingerie is perfect for you, try something completely different. Take a look at Infernita! This sexy she-devil costume is hot as hell! It’s a fantastic Xmas gift and a perfect way to… warm up the atmosphere of every holiday evening! Put on the tempting teddy, add red high heels and red lipstick. What next? You know what to do. Set your bedroom on love fire!


